We’re on your side

The Great Lakes Trade Adjustment Assistance Center has 40 years of experience successfully helping import-injured firms improve their global competitiveness. GLTAAC manages the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (TAAF) program for companies in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. It is part of the Economic Growth Institute at the University of Michigan. TAAF is a national program funded by the Economic Development Administration of the Department of Commerce.

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Projects we fund

GLTAAC helps you identify, develop, and prioritize the projects most important to your company.
Then we help you find the best outside expertise to undertake each project and pay for half the cost.

  • New Technology Development 2
    Mectron Engineering
  • Lean Manufacturing
    Jordan Manufacturing Company
  • Talent Acquisition
    Long-Stanton Manufacturing Company
More examples
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The Process

The TAAF program has 3 distinct phases. GLTAAC handles all of the required paperwork throughout the entire process

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We help you apply for the program

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We help you develop a plan for how to best utilize the program

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We help you implement the projects in your plan using the private sector consultants of your choice

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What our clients are saying

Fisher Cast Steel Logo

“Working with GLTAAC has been a great experience. The funding has been used to support several facets of our business – sales, operations and education. In a challenging industry, these improvements give us the tools to keep our operation viable into the future.”

Jay Harmeyer, Vice President, Fisher Cast Steel
Bamar Plastics

”Bamar has benefited greatly from the TAAF program. The flexibility of the program and GLTAAC’s staff really made it work for us. The TAAC helped us through the entire process and everybody there was knowledgeable, professional, thoughtful, and clearly committed to our success. Our company is in a much better competitive position now than we were before working with GLTAAC.”

Heather Meixel, CEO and President, Bamar Plastics
Spot Imaging Logo

“The persons administering GLTAAC at the University of Michigan are amazing. The talent they offer in support of the program is the best I have seen. They have a wide pool of proven resources. Through using their recommendations we are a better, smoother running operation.”

Linda Merlo, COO, Spot Imaging


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