The TAAF Adjustment Plan (AP) functions both as a planning document for you as well as the official application to EDA for project co-funding assistance.

The AP includes a brief as-is assessment of your company, covering all functional areas of the business.  It is focused on the competitive position of your firm and culminates with a SWOT analysis.  Although strategic, the assessment is designed to be fully actionable and informs the project planning portion of the AP.

The planning portion of the AP then lays out the business improvement projects you intend to complete using the program.  It establishes their timing and content, plus describes how they relate to each other and make sense as a whole given your company’s situation and circumstances.  Importantly, your TAAF projects can fit around and/or support any pre-existing projects or initiatives you already have planned.

Although GLTAAC will handle all of the writing and lead you through the process, the Adjustment Plan is ultimately your plan.  We will offer our suggestions and advice, but you get to decide which projects your company will use TAAF co-funding on.

You may already have projects in mind, or maybe not.  Regardless of your starting point, we will help you solidify your plans.  We have facilitated over 1,000 business improvement projects at hundreds of small manufacturers since our founding, and we will provide our experience to you to insure that your projects are a success.

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Developing Your Adjustment Plan

We know you have a business to run, so our process is made to fit your schedule.  We will work as fast as you can, or as slow as you need to.  It’s as easy as A-B-C.

A – Visit

We come onsite to learn more about your company and your priorities. We will also help you start thinking through how your firm can best leverage the TAAF program.  If we are going to need more than half a day, we’ll break it up over 2 days if that’s best for you.  While on site we’ll want to interview your key managers, tour your facility, and answer any questions you may have.

B – Develop

Working closely with you, we compile and write the Adjustment Plan document per EDA’s requirements.  This usually takes 1–2 months and involves regular communication with you via phone, email, and/or zoom.

C – Finalize

You review the projects, timelines, and other contents of your AP, identifying any changes needed, which we then make.  Once okayed by you, we submit the AP to EDA on your behalf.

EDA will review your AP and must approve it before any project work can be done.  The amount of time needed by EDA for this varies significantly, though 2 months is not uncommon.  (EDA has never failed to approve an Adjustment Plan submitted by GLTAAC.)