In the past month, three manufacturers (one from each GLTAAC state) had their TAAF Adjustment Plans approved, and will begin implementing projects through the program. Each firm will receive $75K of TAAF co-funding, which will help them invest in themselves and strengthen their global competitiveness. These new GLTAAC clients not only represent various states, but they also show how the TAAF program has the flexibility to address the needs of import-challenged manufacturers in a variety of industries.

  • Indiana:  Facing significant competition from foreign imports, this Indiana trailer manufacturer turned to GLTAAC for help.  With their TAAF Adjustment Plan approved, they’ll use their TAAF co-funding to tackle projects that will increase their market presence, upgrade operating systems, improve their management processes, and expand employee skills.
  • Ohio: A foundry that is determined to move beyond competition from foreign imports is now ready to start leveraging the TAAF program. For them, key recovery projects will include development of a comprehensive preventive maintenance program and support for an extensive ERP system implementation, as well as worker training.
  • Michigan – A small moldmaker took a big hit to their sales last year due to imports from Canada and China. This company’s focus in the TAAF program will be on market diversification, upgrading production capabilities, supporting new quality certification(s), and succession planning.

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