After EDA has approved your Adjustment Plan, you have 5 years to use the TAAF program co-funding to implement the projects in it.

  • As you undertake each project, GLTAAC will pay 50% of the cost of the consultants doing the work.
  • TAAF is not a reimbursement or grant program. GLTAAC pays the consultant directly for its share of the cost as the work is completed.  This cuts the cash required of you to do projects in half.
  • The range of projects that can be completed through the program is vast (including new product development, Six Sigma training, and job costing).  However, TAAF co-funding cannot be used for machinery or equipment, building repairs, employee salaries, or any regular business expenses.
  • GLTAAC will provide whatever level of assistance your company needs during implementation. This includes both finalizing projects and selecting providers.
  • GLTAAC handles all of the paperwork required, including developing and circulating the project contracts.

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Consultant Selection

  • Companies select the consultants who will work on their projects in conjunction with GLTAAC staff. Our goal is to ensure TAAF projects are well designed, will deliver high value, and fit the specific needs of the firm.
  • While all projects must be priced within market norms, the consultant selected need not always be the lowest-cost provider. However, all selections must be based on sound business reasoning and a rational process, both of which must be documented.
  • GLTAAC does not utilize a preferred provider system for consultants or require any special certifications. This means the program does not limit the providers that can be used for projects.
  • GLTAAC has worked with hundreds of different consultants over the years and can offer potential providers based upon this experience when a firm is uncertain about who to consider for a particular project.
  • GLTAAC can also assist with the selection process as needed. This includes identifying and pre-qualifying potential consultants, reviewing proposals, developing RFPs, formally scoring proposals, or managing the entire RFP process.